Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 1 Introduction

Hello ETEC 674 classmates,

Welcome to the fall quarter. I hope that everyone had a restful and relaxing summer break. If your break was like mine was, I guess you were working throughout the summer.This is my 8th class in the ETEC program, fourth with Dr. Newberry. I have also completed EDUC 603, 605, and 607. I am currently working on my thesis project which I hope to have completed by Spring 2009.

I am a full time associate professor of mathematics at Riverside Community College, Moreno Valley campus where I teach both mathematics and karate. I am the dept. chair of both the mathematics discipline and the physical education discipline. I also travel out to Crafton Hills College once a week on Wednesday nights for my karate class that I instruct out there as well. I have been teaching at the community college level at both the Moreno Valley campus and Crafton Hills College since 1999. As far as education, I have attended RCC, UCR and Cal State San Bernardino. I received by bachelor of science in mathematics from UCR, and my master of arts in mathematics from Cal State San Bernardino. I am returning to school for a second masters degree in the instructional technology field because I want to learn how to incorporate technology into my teaching style in the classroom. I haven't used much of technology until I started this program and the classes that I have taken so far have opened my eyes to new and innovative ways of teaching my students. Some of my hobbies include studying karate (for the past 24 years!), camping and fishing in the Eastern High Sierras, playing computer and video games, and visiting the local casinos for occasional gambling and fun. I also just purchased my dream car since I was younger, a 2008 Corvette ZO6! I have always wanted a Corvette and now I actually own and drive one...AWESOME!

And now to answer Dr. Newberry's two questions:

1) What are your previous experiences with online classes and telecommunications in education?

I have been teaching both online and hybrid classes for the last two years at the community college. The class levels have been elementary and intermediate algebra. We use a web-based program called, MyMathLab. The students have mixed feelings regarding the software program, some really like it and others would not take another class using the program. As far as telecommunications, I would say the most common way for me to communicate with my students is through email. However, more and more students are using instant messenger, Skype and even MySpace to message me. I feel that the more ways that students can communicate with their instructor, the more comfortable the student will feel.

2) What do you hope to learn in this class?

I would like to learn more effective ways to communicate with my students. I would like to explore new methods of communicating with individual students and the entire class as a whole. I know that email is the most common method; however, if there is another way that might prove to be more effective than email, I would like to learn this method this quarter.

I am sure that this quarter will be fun and exciting time for all of us. I look forward to learning new material in the technology field in our class. If you would like to look at my webpage for RCC, please click here.
